As The Donald Turns; As If…

As The Donald Turns

There is so much that comes out of the Trump administration lately that has no connection to anything true, we had no choice but to call this episode of As The Donald Turns, “As If…

• Donald is pushing forward with his initiatives and campaign promises. He says he is going to deliver a “beautiful new health care law,” as if the GOP actually has the votes to do it. He said last week the money is there for the wall, as if it really were there instead of potentially proposed for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Monday, Donald proclaimed it “Made in America” week, a time to celebrate the work done by American labor. It was also a time for Donald to talk about his commitment to the American worker, and talk about how only he can bring back manufacturing, as if his policies are going to undo decades of technological progress.
The problem with that of course is that it is hypocritical hogwash, to use technical political lingo. Donald does not have any of his own products that bear his name made by US workers. His clothing line is made in China, Thailand, and Mexico. He doesn’t really have any other products because his water, steaks and vodka were business shams. Even his buildings were made with less expensive Chinese steel.

Let’s check in with the rest of the crime syndicate, uh…I mean First Family. Maybe there are some good ol’ American business patriots there. Ivanka is a “business woman” and renowned “clothing designer.” Surely she supports American workers. Uh, nope. Looks like she gets her products that bear her name made in Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand and China. Zero products made in America. What about Eric? He is in charge of the acclaimed Trump winery that produces completely undrinkable fermented grapes. Well, what do you know? He has repeatedly applied, even as late as April, to bring in guest workers from other countries to produce the wine. Hey, I know. Let’s check in with Donald Jr., oh wait…..never mind….he is busy with “other things.”

Well, there you have it Donald supporters. He told you he would support American workers, and he rolls out “Made in America, Unless It Is A Trump Product,” week.

• We “saw” the return of our favorite Sparkle Pony Monday. The cameras were, again, not allowed on in the press briefing room and the audio was embargoed until after the briefing was over. Still we got a “glimpse” of Sparkle Pony trying to defend the Made in America hypocrisy.

“There are certain supply chains or scalability that are not available in this country.”

Seriously? That’s your answer? Garment supply chains are not available in the US? So Made in America is viable for everyone, except Donald and Ivanka, and works for everyone except people who get dressed every day.

• Of course the reason for rolling out these theme weeks is to try to change the narrative into something simplistic enough for the folks at Fox and Friends to actually believe; that is to say anything that distracts from the Russia story. One of Donald’s attorneys, Jay Sekulow, made the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows. What he really made was a fool of himself. His legal opinion appears to be as credible as the law degree he got from Pat Robertson College, (Regent University). The thing is, Sekulow just made the story worse by being completely wrong in his assertions. I am not talking opinion here. I am saying his arguments were full of hooey, to delve into industry jargon again. Sekulow, who is not Donald Jr.’s attorney, none the less, tried to defend the meeting with the Russians, by saying on ABC’s “This Week,”:

“Well, I wonder why the Secret Service, if this was nefarious, why the Secret Service allowed these people in. The President had Secret Service protection at that point, and that raised a question with me.” Yeah, Jay, as if…

This absurdity out of the mouth of someone who allegedly passed the bar exam was so bad that it caused the Secret Service to do something they hate doing. They commented on protection. They issued a statement making it clear that Donald Jr. was not a protectee at that point, so there was no detail clearing people for the meeting. There was Secret Service guarding Trump Tower at the time, but they were not doing background checks on everyone who came in for a meeting with the non-protectee son of the Republican nominee.

• This story has now gone from:
o There was no meeting
o There was a meeting but, we met about the adoption ban
o We were told there would be dirt on Hillary, but it was only adoption ban talk
o Here are all my emails which totally contradict everything I have said
o So what if I met with them, there is nothing illegal about it, (even if there is).
o Here is my dad’s lawyer to tell you that it is the fault of the US Secret Service

You know what would make the story better? To have Sparkle Pony explain it to us, as he did at the briefing Monday.
“”There was nothing as far as we know that would lead anyone to believe that there was anything except for discussion about adoption”.
Sean, as if…….listen pal, we know you have been hiding in the broom closet for the last two weeks but try to keep up with the balderdash being shoveled around here.

• So what has been on Donald’s mind during all this back and forth? As if you didn’t know…..
@realDonaldTrump Jul 16

“The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!”

That’s right. How many people like him is what is on his mind. The curious thing about the tweet, is that the ABC/WAPO poll has his approval rating at 36%, which is not near 40% at all. The other part is that he is still relitigating the election while slamming others for doing the same. The last ABC/WAPO before the election had Hillary ahead by a 47%-43% margin. She won 48.2% to 46.1%. ABC and the Washington Post were pretty darn close, as if you didn’t know that, Donald.

• In case you think it is always all about Donald, well it mostly is. But he did take time Monday to wish Senator John McCain well after a craniotomy to remove a clot from above his eye.

“And I can tell you, we hope John McCain gets better very soon. Because we miss him. He is a crusty voice in Washington. Plus, we need his vote.”

If you listen real hard, you can almost get a sense of sincerity from Donald….as if…..

In case that was too congenial for you, we offer the words of the Republican National Committeewoman from Nevada, Dianna Orrock. She tweeted about McCain, (see last photo….adult language warning), and then quickly deleted it… if we had not already seen it.

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