One person that has no Political Interest, may Shape American History Forever

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 27: Christine Blasey Ford, with lawyer Debra S. Katz, left, answers questions at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, September 27, 2018 on Capitol Hill. (Photo by Melina Mara-Pool/Getty Images)

In the last few days, the ugly sides of ramped up political rhetoric has invaded our personal space. There is no way to avoid it. While it’s no secret that the United States has been divided since the presidential election, things have gotten even worse in the last week. The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process has simply brought out the worse behavior by our highest elected officials on both sides. Power can be addictive. And the temptations that come along with that responsibility may be too much for any mere mortal.

One Person Could Shape American History

In case you were hiding underneath a stone somewhere, here is just a snippet of what happened in the high octane drama that unfolded last week.

This is just some of the outlandish barrage of steam that were unleashed in nearly eight hours of testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Hon. Brett Kavanaugh yesterday. Surely, many of the supporters or detractors of Kavanaugh held firm. All the stories and explanations were heard by millions of people yesterday. The lead up to this event brought all kinds of theories, on why this is even happening at all.

A case can be made for Ford or Kavanaugh’s credibility. Even Donald Trump showed patience and appreciation for Ford’s testimony. “She was a very credible witness,” Trump said.

Trump also praised Kavanaugh “It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,” he continued. Be that as it may, a vote was seemingly going to happen this morning. The thought was that the Republicans had mustered up enough votes to bring the vote to the Senate floor for a complete vote. That didn’t happen. Republican Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona decided to ask for a delay on the Senate vote for one week.

While one week doesn’t seem like a long time, it does give time to properly investigate the matter further. Without Flake’s courageous act, Brett Kavanaugh could be looking at a vote much earlier. Still, there is uncertainty and chaos. Trump has ordered the F.B.I. to conduct the investigation. Unfortunately, the act alone is no guarantee to thwart Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Nevertheless, a pause of one week is agreed on by both sides at the moment.

One Woman and a Story can Impact a Country

Above all, there is one person that is indirectly responsible for all of this. A woman that wanted to remain anonymous. A citizen that wanted to do the right thing. She didn’t ask for any of this. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wanted to tell her story. Both sides agreed that Ford’s testimony was genuine and truthful to a certain extent. The one sticking point of the matter at hand, is the actual perpetrator that assaulted Mrs. Ford.

The issue raised by Dr. Ford resonated with many Americans in today’s divisive beliefs. Her decision of coming forward may help someone you know. Or perhaps, someone reading this right now. It’s one thing to have a belief on a set of issues, but it’s much more if this hits home. These statistics are horrifying.

One in five women and one of 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives. Think of all of your family. This could be your sister, wife, girlfriend, mom, aunt, niece, etc. Just think for a second, of how you would feel if this were to happen to you or someone close to you. Also, the same thing can be said about Senator Jeff Flake. He broke with his party. Without his conscience getting the best of him, there would most likely be a Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Regardless of the outcome, hope can still arrive in D.C. Just maybe, some kid is looking at all this and believes that maybe he or she can make a difference by doing public service.

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